
  1. Bajpai, P., & Bennett, M. (2024). Effective S-unit Equations Beyond 3 Terms : Newman’s Conjecture. Acta Arithmetica, To appear.
  2. Bajpai, P., & Bugeaud, Y. (2024). Effective Approximation to Complex Algebraic Numbers by Algebraic Numbers of Bounded Degree. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 377, 5247–5269.
  3. Bajpai, P., Bennett, M. A., & Chan, T. H. (2024). Arithmetic progressions in squarefull numbers. International Journal of Number Theory, 20(01), 19–45.
  4. Bajpai, P. (2023). Effective methods for norm-form equations. Mathematische Annalen, 387(3), 1271–1288.
  5. Bajpai, P., & Bennett, M. (2022). A note on pencils of norm-form equations. Acta Arithmetica, 203, 19–26.